The elderly enjoy a higher quality of life and have a more positive outlook on their
health if they remain in the comfort and supportive setting of their home. Unfortunately
if they require assistance with medication management, mobility, and daily living
requirements, they can feel like they are becoming a burden on family and a disruption
to family life. Mundane tasks can become an intrusion on their privacy and the weight of
losing their independence can hasten the degeneration of their health and wellbeing.
Their relationships with family become an imposition, and they feel deprived of the
simple joys of being among family and friends.
Excellence Medical Services qualified nurses can provide compassionate, sensitive care
for the elderly in the privacy and comfort of their home. They are carefully screened and
provided with specific education to ensure they deliver the highest quality standards
of care tailored to meet individual elderly patients’ medical and social requirements and
enhance their wellbeing.


Our multidisciplinary team will develop an individualized agespecific plan of care based on the patients’ needs including:

  • Activities of daily living (assistance with or comprehensive care)
  • Mobilization
  • Medication and pain management
  • Catheter care
  • Wound care
  • Physiotherapy if needed